␡July 28, 2022
You may have seen the BBC 1 programme "Money for Nothing". This daytime programme is all about sustainability. Sarah Moore the presenter basically looks for items that are being thrown into a skip at a recycling centre and offers to upcycle the item free of charge. Sarah uses professional specialist designers to develop something fresh and exciting and, once sold, returning any profit back to the original owner.
Feather and Twigs was approached to see if any of the recent upcycled furniture would be of interest. I instantly fell in love with this chair (see picture). I loved the design and materials used, it is a real statement piece. I agreed to pay for the chair which resulted in the film production company visiting the shop to film the receipt of the chair.
You can see me here with Pav the Producer who spent a good couple of hours this week filming inside and outside the shop as well as around the village. The show is due to be aired as part of series 14 in early Spring 2023.
I have decided that I don't want to sell the chair or keep it personally so I am raffling this off for our village charity Croston in Bloom. Tickets can be purchased online for just £1.00 at the following link RAFFLE TICKET FOR "MONEY FOR NOTHING" CHAIR - Feather & Twigs (
Note: After a little research I found the chair had been upcycled by Leanne Watts (The Upholstery Lady) who is based not too far away in Worsley, Greater Manchester, she is now one of our recommended Artisans and we are on the mailing list to purchase additional furniture from the programme.
April 29, 2024
June 12, 2022
May 24, 2022