␡May 24, 2022
Feather and Twigs is bagging the bra this year by supporting a charity that helps research into breast cancer.
Against Breast Cancer is a charity that funds research into breast cancer and they offer a Bra recycling scheme which takes unwanted or unloved bras through their network of bra banks raising vital funds for pioneering breast cancer research.
The same bras also help to support small businesses in developing countries in Africa and around the world. Together with their recycling partners, their textile recovery project prevents these bras going into landfill before giving them a new lease of life in countries such as Tongo, Ghana and Kenya, where bras remain expensive to produce locally.
Successful ventures like this provide an income for families in developing countries whilst providing employment for people living in the UK. Any bras that are genuinely beyond redemption are dismantled and disposed of properly.
For every tonne of bras collected . Against Breast Cancer receives £700 to fund their research. With over 30 million women in the UK you could really make a difference and we have therefore set up a collection service.
Feather and Twigs are starting small and if it is of interest to local women we will look to have a "bra bank" at the shop. For our customers that don't live near we detail the postal address below as to where to send your unused or unloved bras.
Recyling Scheme, Against Breast Cancer, Leathem House, 13 Napier Court. Barton Lane Abingdon OXON OX14 3YT
April 29, 2024
July 28, 2022
You may have seen the BBC 1 programme "Money for Nothing". This daytime programme is all about sustainability. Sarah Moore the presenter basically looks for items that are being thrown into a skip at a recycling centre and offers to upcycle the item free of charge. Sarah uses professional specialist designers to develop something fresh and exciting and, once sold, returning any profit back to the original owner.
Feather and Twigs was approached to see if any of the recent upcyc...
June 12, 2022